Public Mass Canceled till Further Notice.
From Fr. Joseph Evinger
UPDATE: The test came back Positive.
Dear Parishioners,
On this feast of the Guardian Angels I write to tell you that this Sunday, October 4, Public Mass is canceled at each of the parishes in Killdeer, Halliday, and Twin Buttes. This includes the 5:30pm Vigil Mass and daily Mass till further notice.
I will be livestreaming the 10:30 a.m. Mountain Time Sunday Mass from my rectory chapel.
Pass the word along.
This past week I have been sick with what feels like a flu. I went to get a COVID-19 test at the Killdeer Clinic this last Tuesday afternoon, results of which I have not received as of today. In a conversation with the clinic today, Friday, they said the results won’t come back till early next week.
I plan to resume public Mass as soon as I receive back a negative response, or if it is positive which is more likely, then as soon as I am able. When Mass resumes the date will be posted.
Having to cancel public Mass weighs heavy on my heart. We were all made to worship and adore God our Father and to know Him through His Son Jesus Christ Whom we can encounter in the Blessed Sacrament. And, we were made for each other, we were made to gather as God’s holy people. At the Last Supper Jesus tells us to “Do This in Memory of Me.” What is the “this”? It is the Mass. We are to gather as His people, listen to the sacred scriptures and enter into the sacrifice of His Body and Blood offered for us and in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.
Folks, but this Sunday we can’t. Nevertheless, make this Sunday a day for the Lord. Gather as a little church in your living room. Pray together. Pray for the end of this epidemic. Blow the dust from your Bibles and read Matthew 21. Watch a Christian movie from Read some spiritual reading. Eat together. Pray the Rosary. Gather as Christians in your home.
Let us remember how privileged we are to be able to attend Holy Mass when we can. The Mass is not a ball game, a social event, a fishing or hunting trip, or an hour at the lake that can easily be canceled and then picked up again when it is convenient. No, the Mass is heaven come to earth, God come to us, the saints gathered with us, grace poured into our hearts to remove our anxieties and fears. With a validly ordained priest there is the Mass. Without him there is no Mass. Without the Mass we all lose something.
Therefore, let us be ever grateful for the Mass and likewise teach our children about the same. Let us never take our Catholic Faith for granted, but turn to our Lord that we may live it more effectively. Let us allow our Catholic faith to bring joy and hope to our hearts and consolation amidst a passing world.
Know of my prayers for you and please keep me in yours.
In Christ,
Fr. Joseph