2:00 PM Central Time
Physical Address:
8050 7th St NW
Twin Buttes, ND 58636
Mailing Address:
PO Box 299
Killdeer, ND 58640
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Four staunch Mandan Indian Catholics began the Catholic church in what is now Twin Buttes. They were Crows Heart, Medicine Stone, Dick Burr, and Charley Burr. They began a log church, believing that it would convert their neighbors. The building however, remained roofless until Father Paul (Conrad) Lotter finished the chapel in 1921. It was called St. Michael's at Crows Heart Landing.
In 1928, an Extension Society grant made it possible to build a new 18 foot by 25 foot building, which was renamed St. Joseph's. Mass was held once a month, and attendance was good, considering that it took some people all day to walk to and from church As the parish grew, the church building was expanded.
In 1952, St. Joseph's had to be relocated. Father Reinhard Kaufman chose a spot south of the old Elbowoods bridge site. Even though the church was close to Mandaree, the water of the Garrison Dam separated the two.
In 1971, Father Louis Pfaller, a prominent history expert who cared for the mission for many years, decided the church needed to be in the closest town, Twin Buttes. The Extension Society provided $10,000 for a new metal building, which not only served as the church but also as a catechetical and social center.
The church and property went through more upgrades trying to solve the problem of mice in church.
The most recent update began fall of 2020 when the church was completely rebuilt and an addition with steeple was added. Fr. Joseph Evinger proposed the vision to the parishioners in summer of 2019 making a promise that when completed "A mouse will have to come through the front door like everyone else if it wants to come in." All agreed to more forward. Taking the role of general contractor and doing a good portion of the work himself when he had time, Fr. Joseph's vision became visible week after week, making the exterior and interior more beautiful than anyone imagined. All that remained of the 1971 Butler steel building when finished was the concrete slab and steel frames and perlins. Structually all else is new. The old altar, crucifix (in sacristy), bell, and images of the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart are all that remain from the church which was below the lake. The project got completed in fall of 2022.