Preparation for Mass, Part 1 of 2 by Fr. Joseph Evinger
How do you prepare for Mass? As the time approached for us to leave the house for Mass as a child, we ten kids would hear phrases like this from Dad and Mom: “Did you brush your teeth? Did you comb your hair? Remember not to eat anything as you have to fast before Holy Communion! Those pants are dirty; put on some clean ones!” I am sure many of you have heard phrases like these as well, or have spoken them to your own kids. What these phrases subconsciously tell us is that there is something truly important happening at Holy Mass. We are to prepare and to dress up because something sacred is happening—God comes into our midst and upon our altar.
Yet there is something more important than this. How do we dress up our hearts? How do I prepare my heart for Holy Mass and Holy Communion? As was mentioned in my last article the Mass is the prayer of all prayers, and as the Catechism definition states, it is the “principal sacramental celebration of the Church, established by Jesus at the Last Supper.” Therefore, even before we arrive at church or as we wait for the priest to walk down the aisle we should lift up our hearts and minds to the Lord. These mental actions will allow us to prepare and enter more fully into this great celebration, this great gift which Jesus has given to us. Let us always dress up exteriorly and interiorly in preparation for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.