Penitential Rite
by Fr. Joseph Evinger
Last week I spoke about the Sign of the Cross and the greeting at the beginning of Mass. In continuation of the series on the Holy Mass, this week we will look at the Penitential Act. There are mainly three different options for the Penitential Act. There is the Confiteor (I confess…) with which we are familiar; it is followed by the series of “Lord have mercy”, etc. There is the option which is less used: the priest says, “Have mercy on us, O Lord” and the people respond, “For we have sinned against you”, etc. And, there are the three strophes of different sorts which include the “Lord have mercy” etc.
As the penitential act is introduced the priest reminds us to acknowledge our sins and so prepare ourselves for the mysteries of the Liturgies of the Word and the Eucharist. In order to enter these sacred mysteries meaningfully we must first acknowledge that we are sinners in need of redemption, in need of God’s help. Only by humbling ourselves are we able to understand the scriptures clearly and receive the Holy Eucharist worthily.
Though the penitential act does not absolve us of mortal sins, which the sacrament of Confession does, it is a strong reminder to everyone that we cannot approach God now or in eternity without forgiveness and continually striving to know God. This act of repentance is accurately an action which focuses, reminds, and reorients us back to God whom through faith we will truly meet at these sacred mysteries, the Holy Mass.