Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Were you baptized Catholic but have never received one or more of the Sacraments of Confirmation, Confession, or Holy Communion? Do you know of someone whom you think would be interested in becoming Catholic? Would you be willing to sponsor them? Or maybe you would just like to know more about the Church and grow in faith.
We invite you to join us for Catholic Classes on
Thursday Evenings starting September 19
th through April 30
th, 2020 from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. These weekly classes are for anyone who would like to become Catholic or simply grow in Christian faith, hope, and love.
Catholic Classes are at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Killdeer, 152 3
rd Ave. NW. Come with your questions and invite a friend to join you! Feel free to sign up on the parish website at or call the parish office at 701-764-5357 leaving your name and number.